Thursday, July 14, 2011

Green Lantern Corps #62 Review

3 out of 5

    First thing's first, I am suing this issue for false advertisement! This cover shows an angry John Steward using his ring and the bottom reads, "John Steward has killed a Lantern before, and he will do it again!" Sounds interesting, right? Sounds like something important might happen in this issue, right? WRONG! Nothing remotely close to that happens in this issue. That major disappointment aside, Green Lantern Corps #62 wasn't a horrible book.
    The story takes place right after the War of the Green Lanterns, and all of those involentary recruits that Krona forced into the Corps are giving up their rings and returning to their old lifes, except one. She wants to make a difference in her sector. The only problem is the rest of the Green Lanterns won't show here any respect, so she decides to take the council of the only Lantern more alienated than her, John Steward, the killer of Mogo. Blah Blah Blah, John Steward shows her the ropes and the whole issue wraps up nicely. No John Steward getting angry and trying to kill another Lantern.
    The script is written well, even if the actual story itself is a little boring. There is very little action in this issue and the action that did occur never really convinced me any of the characters were in danger. You do feel that John Steward is alienated by the rest of the Corps, which is one of the main themes of the issue, but I thought it was wierd that the little blue men did nothing to punish John. SPOILER!!!! I mean if Hal Jordan gets kicked out for killing a genocidal maniac that is mind controlling the entire Corps, then why would John not get kicked out for killing the argueably most important Lantern in the entire Corps? SPOILER OVER!!!!
    There is really nothing important to say about the art. It is servicable. That's it. Nothing special. Nothing really even pops out about it. It is just plain and average. Not bad. Not great.
    Overall this book was a disappointment because it failed to live up to it's cover, but the story inside was not that bad. Pick it up if you really like John Steward, but I really couldn't recomend it to you otherwise.

Green Lantern #67 Review

4 out of 5

    Finally, the War of the Green Lanterns is over! Man, that was a painful event to read, but I guess after half a decade of constant events, you are bound to run into one stinker. That being said, the last issue of the current volume of Green Lantern was actually really good! It managed to pack into it about three major suprises that I was really not expecting at all. That by itself is and indorsement to buy this issue.
    Geoff Johns, after being in an exposition heavy slump for the past few months, pulled off a pretty good script in this issue. You are not too bogged down with the heavy expostion of issues past, some action is thrown in as well as some intrigue, and finally some nagging plot threads of this volume are wrapped up, but they still couldn't wrap up them because... well... read the book and find out.
    I can never say anything wrong about Doug Mahnke and his pencils. That man is just talented and can put more people on a single panel than I thought was humanly possible! That said, some of the inks were a little off, but when you have fifty people inking an issue, then the color is bound to be a little off some places.
    This book has brought back my love for Green Lantern. Too bad it has to end and this is the last issue. I have always enjoyed the kind of goofy and crazy light show, space opera adventures that Green Lantern has brought to the table, and for the most part Geoff Johns has written a great story for the past 5 or so years in this book. Thus I am sad its ending. Wait... What? Green Lantern #1 in the relaunch is going to have the same author, same artist, and not really change from the current continuity it has been building for the past half a decade! Well what the hell is the point of setting it back to number one?!