Thursday, June 23, 2011

Review: Flashpoint: Grodd of War

3 out of 5

    So Flashpoint has arrived and is changing characters left and right. Aquaman and Wonder Woman are genocidal maniacs, Deathstroke is a pirate, and Thomas Wayne has actually pulled off being a darker Batman than his son, Bruce. Like these previous characters, Gorilla Grodd has changed from his normal self in his own one shot title, Grodd of War.
    In normal DC continuity, Gorilla Grodd is a telepathic, talking gorilla that resides in Gorilla City in Africa, where he constantly tries and fails to overthrow his king and conquer the world. In Flashpoint continuity, Grodd actually succeeds. He has overthrown his king and led the armies of Gorilla City in conquering all of Africa, but that is not enough. Dispite Grodd's great accomplishments, almost no one outside of Africa has ever heard of him because they are too busy worrying about Aquaman sinking half of Europe and Wonder Woman conquering the British Isles.
    As far as the script goes, there are no real problems. The dialouge is servicable and shows Grodd's feelings of discontent to the reader. The story is really just backstory for Grodd because I assume he has a bigger role to play at some point in the main Flashpoint book. Just like in every other Flashpoint title, Grodd of War has a few amusing cameos in it. Catman is always entertaining. The art is very polished as well. Over all, the book is pretty good for a one shot backstory. If you have the money, then pick this up, but I don't think you will miss anything if you don't.

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