Welcome to the Citadel, home to the Legion of Dork (or LOD for short) and everything one might consider to be nerdy and geeky. I am your not so humble host, Vinco Menz, one of founding and most active members of the LOD.
Now I can already hear you asking me, "Vinco Menz, what is the LOD?" Well, originally the Legion was a secret society formed by a few friends so that they may revel in all that is dork together, because everything is more fun when you do it with a friend. Over the years, our secret little club slowly began to grow and now we need some place to call our own, therefore I have created the Citadel as our new home. Here we will do everything from organize meetings, write reviews of all the bad movies we watch, games we play, and books we read, and offer our uniqe insight of what is going on in the world.
Now if you are not a member of the LOD, thats fine! You don't have to be a Legionare to enjoy all the wonderful things this site will have to offer. You can enjoy everything the members enjoy and if you choose to formally join the LOD in the future then more power to you. I hope we will all have fun and enjoy the Citadel.